The following terms and conditions have been in effect since June 22nd, 2020. They may be amended at any time without prior notice from us. By using this site, you acknowledge having read, understood and accepted the following conditions. Updated: 2021-07-08
Our service is committed to the following principles:
OUR MISSION: save you time and money by allowing you to easily find the lawyer you need. Our service does not favor any of its partners, our priority is for you to find the best price and service.
In the text below, for the sake of brevity, the terms “partner” refer to all of our lawyers and other related services (notaries, financial advisors, etc.).
Compare Lawyers acts as an intermediary between the users of the service (solicitors) and our partners. We do not claim to sell mortgage or financier products; we are not a broker. Compare Lawyers does not hold any other title on behalf of loan, insurance, real estate and mortgage companies or banks.
Compare Lawyers cannot be included in a contract coming from a contact (applicant/partner) via our web platform.
Compare Lawyers cannot be held responsible for the products or services sold or any damage caused by the customer (applicant) or the partner.
Compare Lawyers is committed to respecting the Privacy Act for the protection of personal information in the private sector.
By submitting your information to Compare Lawyers by means of an online form, by telephone or by e-mail, you consent to their transmission to one of our partners to allow them to make you a quote by email and / or phone.
By sending us your phone number via our online form or email, you agree to be contacted by the partner companies, even if you are on the excluded national telecommunications list.
Compare Lawyers is committed to making reasonable use, not abusive, of your contact information in order to contact you. You agree to receive our confirmation, satisfaction evaluation, and other messages from the Compare Lawyers team.
You can always be removed from our contact list by sending an email (see our contact information below.)
You agree that our partners will carry out the usual checks with your information (credit bureau, driver’s license, etc.).
Your information will not be given or shared with third parties.
Compare Lawyers reserves the worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, and unpaid right to retain and transmit the data from users of the service.
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A cookie is a small text file saved on the visitor’s hard drive from a site like this one. No confidential information is taken. This is not dangerous or harmful to your system. On the contrary, cookies are used to personalize and improve your browsing experience on this web platform. If you no longer wish to be subject to cookies, you can disable them via your browser options (whether Google Chrome, Moxilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, or other).
Compare Lawyers uses Google Analytics and other web tracking tools to analyze the profile and behavior of users. The data generated is transmitted and stored by Google.
Google may have to disclose this data to third parties if required by law to do so or if these third parties process the data for Google.
Compare Lawyers does not guarantee the accuracy of quotes sent by our partners. They must be verified with our partners.
Before signing a contact with one of our partner, it is your responsibility to require their license from the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) and to ask the right questions to fully understand your needs. Compare Lawyers does not guarantee the accuracy of the content on its site or any of its platforms. We will nevertheless try to keep them up to date. If you would like to report an error, please contact us.
The information posted on the site and any other web platform is provided for informational purposes and has no official or professional value. Compare Lawyers is not a financial advisor. We recommend that you consult an expert.
The opinions or comments in the pages and articles of Compare Lawyers are those of the editors or the person to whom they are attributed. Compare Lawyers is not responsible for this.
The partners and users of the service (applicants) undertake to:
By using our service, the user of the service agrees not to submit fictitious requests to receive information from Compare Lawyers or our partners.
In the event that false or erroneous information is transmitted by the user of the service (the applicant) to Compare Lawyers, the user of the service is obligated to indemnify Compare Lawyers for any recourse or legal action against our company or service. The compensation must cover legal, extrajudicial, and legal costs.
In the event of an attack in the form of viruses or any other prejudice to the integrity of the website or any other platform of Compare Lawyers, we will prosecute for damages without notice.
Compare Lawyers disclaims any liability for damages that may arise from actions based on information posted on our website or our platforms.
Compare Lawyers does not guarantee the availability or operation of the website or any of its platforms.
Compare Lawyers does not warrant that the files hosted on our server will not cause an error, that they do not contain computer viruses, Trojan horses, or other harmful elements to your computer hardware.
Compare Lawyers reserves the right to terminate its activities without notice, for any reason whatsoever.
Compare Lawyers does not endorse the contents posted on websites or any other platform to which hyperlinks lead.
When you visit these external sites at Compare Lawyers, it is at your own risk.
The website and contents of Compare Lawyers are protected by copyright. Written permission must be obtained from Compare Lawyers to use them. It is permissible to share content on social media. Compare Lawyers reserves the right to modify or remove content from the website or any of its platforms without notice.
Compare Lawyers reserves the right to use any ideas received from users (applicants) or its partners, whether they relate to business development, marketing, service development, or otherwise.
In the event that a dispute arises with respect to the application of the terms and conditions on this page, any appeal must take place in the Judicial District of Quebec.
You agree to indemnify Compare Lawyers , its officers, and its partners in the event of any claim (and attorney’s fees) arising from your use of the Compare Lawyers website or in the event of their liability being questioned.
Shareholders, directors, employees, and other persons associated with Compare Lawyers cannot be held liable for damages resulting from their use, whatever the cause.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.